For immediate release
The PoEM Foundation partners with AYUSH Dubai for inaugural International Conference and Exhibition in Dubai November 9-11, 2017; endeavor jointly produced by the Indian Ministry of AYUSH, the Science India Forum and the World Ayurveda Foundation
Dubai, UAE, 25th August 2017:
In service to its mission to promote full-spectrum wellbeing, The PoEM Foundation is pleased to announce its partnership with the Indian Government’s Ministry of AYUSH in supporting the first International AYUSH Conference and Exhibition, to be held at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center November 9-11, 2017. The PoEM Foundation is an International Wellness Partner for the event.
Celebrating the healing touch of traditional Indian systems of medicine, AYUSH is an acronym for Ayurveda,
Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy. (Naturopathy and Sowa-Rigpa are also included in this grouping.) The word AYUSH itself means, in Hindi, “lifespan.”
The mission of the Ministry of AYUSH is to deliver on the promise of the immense potential of traditional Indian systems of medicine to create sustainable health and happiness in life. Diet and lifestyle are major factors influencing susceptibility to many diseases of the present era, and growing concern about the ecological crisis has contributed to a “return to nature” movement within societies across the globe.
Given increased demand by the public, and increased pressure on policymakers to develop and integrate AYUSH-based wellness programmes into healthcare delivery systems in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Australia, the Indian Ministry of AYUSH was formed in 2014 to promote AYUSH systems throughout the world.
“In order to reach our full potential as human beings, and to restore health and dignity to our world, we must be well physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially and environmentally.” says Mynoo Maryel, Founder of The PoEM Foundation. “This applies both individually and collectively.”
“In the UAE, the international community is keen to incorporate wellbeing into healthcare and lifestyle.” adds Vibha Bhatnagar, CoFounder of The PoEM and liaison for the conference in Dubai. “This aligns with our own principles, and we are delighted to support AYUSH.”
The PoEM Foundation, based in India and the UK, has a mission that incorporates a principle they call full-spectrum wellbeing, which means optimizing wellness across the complete spectrum of human experience.
Produced by the Science India Foundation and the World Ayurveda Foundation, the first International AYUSH Conference and Expo takes place November 9-11, 2017, at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center. The PoEM Foundation is an International Wellness Partner for the event.
The PoEM Foundation is a certified NGO in India, whose mission is to create pathways to miracles, restoring dignity for all.
The Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy, abbreviated as AYUSH, is a governmental body in India purposed with developing education and research in indigenous medicine systems.